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Risk factors for hypertension in this HIV-positive population were: age over 40 years, obesity and being overweight, smoking and alcohol consumption and a family history of hypertension

Risk factors for hypertension in this HIV-positive population were: age over 40 years, obesity and being overweight, smoking and alcohol consumption and a family history of hypertension. the clinic between July and August 2018. Results We studied 600 HIV-positive adult patients, of which 56% were women. The prevalence rate of hypertension was 29.9%. Of the participants in the hypertensive group, 11.2% were not previously diagnosed or on treatment. Factors associated with hypertension were advanced age, use of HAART for longer than 10 years, being overweight, a family history of hypertension and smoking. There was a 68.8% prevalence of body mass index greater than 25 kg/m2 among all participants. Conclusion High hypertension prevalence was recorded. Hypertension was not associated with gender or use of PI regimens but being overweight was highly prevalent. Greater vigilance and integration of resources is required in the overall treatment and monitoring of HIV-positive patients for co-morbidities. 140/90 at two different visits self-reporting of prior diagnosis of hypertension. Data analysis Analyses of raw data were performed with the IBM SPSS Statistics version 25. Descriptive statistics and medians were analysed statistically. Estimated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals that were used to check the associations between hypertension and other potential risk factors were calculated using logistic regression. The associations between hypertension and risk factor variables were calculated using the = 334) were women. As described in Table 1, the mean age was 41.8 years (range 18C74 years). The majority of participants were 40 years and older (57%). There was a high literacy rate with over 80% of participants having completed secondary schooling. Most participants were employed (57.5%). The prevalence of being overweight or obese (i.e. a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2) was 68.8%. Participants who were on first-line treatment were 70% (= 421), 29% (= 173) were on second-line treatment and 1% (= 6) were on third-line treatment. There was a high level of literacy with over half of the participants having completed secondary school and a further 28% tertiary education. The proportion of participants who were employed was 42% and over half of the participants had an income of more than $300.00 a month (Table 2). TABLE 1 Descriptive profile of adult human immunodeficiency virusCpositive participants associated with hypertension at Parirenyatwa Hospital, OI Clinic, in 2018. 0.01). Social factors Social factors such as area of residence and level of personal income showed no association with hypertension (Table 2). A positive or unknown family history of hypertension was positively correlated with the risk of hypertension (OR 2.00; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.00C4.1, = 0.05 and OR 3.00; 95% CI: 1.6C5.5, = 0.00, respectively) Overweight and obesity A high prevalence of being overweight and obesity was noted, with 68.8% of the study participants found to have a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2. A greater number of participants in the hypertensive group were overweight or obese (70.8%) compared to the non-hypertensive group (68%). The mean BMI of participants in the hypertensive group was 29.6 kg/m2 compared to 29.2 kg/m2 in the normotensive group. There was a significant association between being overweight or obese and hypertension (OR: 0.50; 95% CI: 0.20C1.70) and (OR: 0.90; 95% CI: 0.30C2.90), respectively. Behavioural risk factors Very few participants were reported to be smokers (= 14). However, smokers were more likely to be hypertensive than non-smokers. Vecabrutinib A significant association between hypertension and smoking was observed (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.231 0.01). TABLE 3 Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors associated with hypertension in human immunodeficiency virusCpositive patients. |= 20) of participants were not previously diagnosed. Adherence levels to anti-hypertensive medication were only 62%. This highlights the need to strengthen health systems in order to improve screening, diagnosis and monitoring for chronic NCDs. Integration of services can also help address co-morbidities in people with chronic diseases. In this study of HIV-positive people on HAART, the prevalence of hypertension was high. Possible factors for the high prevalence rate of hypertension in HIV-positive populations in sSA include differences in HIV disease progression, diet, HAART regimens and health infrastructure.29 Limitations Our primary analyses were based on a descriptive, cross-sectional study; hence, transience between causes and development Vecabrutinib of hypertension Rabbit Polyclonal to Histone H2A could not be established. Data were collected over a 3-month period and may.Hypertension among human immunodeficiency virus infected patients on treatment at Parirenyatwa Hospital: A descriptive study. factors among HIV-positive patients receiving ART. Setting The study was carried out at an urban-based clinic that provides HAART and primary care to HIV-positive people in Harare, Zimbabwe. Methods A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among non-pregnant adults on HAART attending the clinic between July and August 2018. Results We studied 600 HIV-positive adult patients, of which 56% were women. The prevalence rate of hypertension was 29.9%. Of the participants in the hypertensive group, 11.2% were not previously diagnosed or on treatment. Factors associated with hypertension were advanced age, use of HAART for longer than 10 years, being overweight, a family history of hypertension and smoking. There was a 68.8% prevalence of body mass index greater than 25 kg/m2 among all participants. Conclusion Large hypertension prevalence was recorded. Hypertension was not associated with gender or use of PI regimens but being overweight was highly common. Greater vigilance and integration of resources is required in the overall treatment and monitoring of HIV-positive individuals for co-morbidities. 140/90 at two different appointments self-reporting of prior analysis of hypertension. Data analysis Analyses of natural data were performed with the IBM SPSS Statistics version 25. Descriptive statistics and medians were analysed statistically. Estimated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals that were used to check the associations between hypertension and additional potential risk factors were determined using logistic regression. The associations between hypertension and risk element variables were determined using the = 334) were women. As explained in Table 1, the mean age was 41.8 years (range 18C74 years). The majority of participants were 40 years and older (57%). There was a high literacy rate with over 80% of participants having completed secondary schooling. Most participants were used (57.5%). The Vecabrutinib prevalence of being obese or obese (i.e. a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2) was 68.8%. Participants who have been on first-line treatment were 70% (= 421), 29% (= 173) were on second-line treatment and 1% (= 6) were on third-line treatment. There was a high level of literacy with over half of the participants having completed secondary school and a further 28% tertiary education. The proportion of participants who were used was 42% and over half of the participants had Vecabrutinib an income of more than $300.00 a month (Table 2). TABLE 1 Descriptive profile of adult human being immunodeficiency virusCpositive participants associated with hypertension at Parirenyatwa Hospital, OI Medical center, in 2018. 0.01). Interpersonal factors Social factors such as part of residence and level of personal income showed no association with hypertension (Table 2). A positive or unknown family history of hypertension was positively correlated with the risk of hypertension (OR 2.00; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.00C4.1, = 0.05 and OR 3.00; 95% CI: 1.6C5.5, = 0.00, respectively) Overweight and obesity A high prevalence of being overweight and obesity was noted, with 68.8% of the study participants found to have a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2. A greater number of participants in the hypertensive group were overweight or obese (70.8%) compared to the non-hypertensive group (68%). The mean BMI of participants in the hypertensive group was 29.6 kg/m2 compared to 29.2 kg/m2 in the normotensive group. There was a significant association between being overweight or obese and hypertension (OR: 0.50; 95% CI: 0.20C1.70) and (OR: 0.90; 95% CI: 0.30C2.90), respectively. Behavioural risk factors Very few participants were reported to be smokers (= 14). However, smokers were more likely to be hypertensive than non-smokers. A significant association between hypertension and smoking was observed (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.231 0.01). TABLE 3 Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors associated with hypertension in human being immunodeficiency virusCpositive individuals. |= 20) of participants were not previously diagnosed. Adherence levels to anti-hypertensive medication were only 62%. This shows the need to improve health systems in order to improve screening, analysis and monitoring for chronic NCDs. Integration of solutions can also help address co-morbidities in.