Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE of wt-35SHA78scSEC purified from seeds. Supplemental Number S6. in this study. wt-Ph2G12scSEC, wt-Ph2G12scKDEL, wt-PhHA78scSEC, and wt-PhHA78scKDEL were cloned into the vector pPhasGW (F.…
Yu L, Rewers M, Gianani R, et al. Antiislet autoantibodies usually develop sequentially rather than simultaneously. only 9 of 39 nondiabetic children with only a…
Analysis was by modified intention to treat. injections of AMG 145 280 mg, 350 mg, or 420 mg, or matching placebo every 4 weeks. Everyone…
The CPn0473 protein could first be detected at 48?h post infection (hpi) and the transmission stayed until 96?hpi confirming that CPn0473 is a past due…
Cx-601, Alofisel (Tigenix/Takeda) has proven to be efficacious to induce and maintain fistula closure, when applied locally close to the tract in conjunction with surgical…